SoftwareReviews collected in-depth feedback directly from Field Effect MDR users to better understand and evaluate their experience with our holistic managed detection and response solution.
Here's a sneak peek at what Field Effect MDR users had to say about the solution (or read the full report here).
Users love how easy Field Effect MDR is to implement and use
Satisfaction starts with a successful implementation. After all, software needs to be quick and easy to deploy so you can start using it right away and get the most value. When asked how happy they were with the ease of implementation, Field Effect MDR users reported a 98% degree of satisfaction!
Once implemented, it's all about use. End-user learning curves cost organizations money, so it's important for products to be easy to use and for vendors to be ready and willing to help troubleshoot problems should they arise. We're happy to share that our users reported a 93% degree of satisfaction regarding ease of use and 95% for vendor support.
Vendor-user relationships really matter
Satisfaction with a software vendor is about much more than strong features at a good price. While functionality and affordability are definitely important, the relationship between vendor and user significantly impacts the user’s short- and long-term satisfaction.
To better understand user-vendor relationships, SoftwareReviews uses the Emotional Footprint method which tries to understand relationships by measuring things like which vendors are most reliable or trustworthy. Which vendors continue to innovate?
Emotional Footprint scores range from -100 to +100—the higher the better. We’re proud to share that Field Effect MDR users gave an overall net emotional footprint score of +100, higher than any other participating provider.
How the Emotional Footprint was calculated
To assess Covalence’s Emotional Footprint score, users were asked to evaluate 25 individual emotional sentiments related to five distinct areas: strategy and innovation, service experience, product experience, negotiation and contract experience, and conflict resolution.
Strategy and innovation
Organizations and markets are constantly changing, and cybersecurity partners need to change with them. A provider’s attitude toward innovation is important. If they aren’t at least keeping pace with market directions and trends, they won’t be enabling their clients to get ahead.
Service experience
Software is no longer just about a tool; it is also about the people who support it. Many people will interact with the software provider and these interactions play a key role in building a long-term partnership. Good service matters.
Product experience
When a company purchases a product, they’re sold on its ability to improve capabilities and processes. An important part of creating an emotional connection is its ability to keep these product promises.
Negotiation and contract experience
During the sales experience, the user’s first true look into their software partner is during the negotiation and contracting phase. Negotiation is common—both parties are always looking to get the best deal. Finding a vendor who will work with you rather than against you is vital.
Conflict resolution
During a partnership, conflicts and issues may arise. It’s important to know whether the software provider will collaborate and help solve the problem or leave you in the dark.
Download the Buyer Experience Report
Interested to know what else users said to SoftwareReviews about their experiences with Field Effect MDR? Download the Field Effect MDR Buyer Experience Report.